Categories: Hands-On Reviews

[VIDEO] FringeSport Mini Farmers Walk Handles Review

Benjamin got a pair of the Fringe mini farmers walk handles to add to his sweet garage gym.

Disclosure: Fringe gave us a deal on these to review.

These have the same advantage of the larger sized “top load” style farmers handles where the plates don’t have to touch the ground when you load them. You can drop it on its side. That makes it easier to load weight without having to slide plates on the ends like the farmers carry bars that are shaped more like a traditional straight barbell.

How much weight can you fit on them?

With bumper plates, depending on the model of bumpers as Benjamin shows, you may be able to load each handle up to 123 lbs (115 lbs + 8 lb handle). That’s the case with the Rogue Echo bumpers. The Troy VTX bumpers, which are a bit thicker, you can load them up to 98 lbs (90 lbs + 8 lb handle).

Think about how easily (or not) you can pick up a 100lb pair of dumbbells and walk around with them. Not so easy to hold onto unless you’re used to deadlifting over 400 lbs. Don’t worry about these mini farmers handles limiting the amount of weight you can fit unless you fall into that category.

With iron plates, even exceptionally strong people won’t ever run out of space. You’re talking hundreds of pounds.

Remember, it’s one thing to lift it. It’s another to keep holding on to it and walk around with it. Try doing this with even half of your max deadlift and you’ll find it hard. Like deadlifts, farmers carries are one of those exercises that work muscles throughout your whole body.

Another advantage: Unilateral carries

Farmers carries are actually best done as a unilateral exercise. This is a fancy way of saying “one hand at a time.” With both hands at once, you’re not making it twice as hard; you’re really taking away a large portion of the muscular involvement in keeping your balance while carrying a heavy weight on one side.

Try carrying it one-handed for a long distance, then switch hands to balance it out.

Finally, you can also do shrugs with these, which are best done as a bilateral movement.

Do they look like what you need? You can get these direct from FringeSport.

David Kiesling

David founded Adamant Barbell in 2007 and Two Rep Cave in 2018. Depending on his mood, he's into weight training, running, bodyweight exercises, and hitting the heavy bag.

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  • Hi David,

    These look very interesting. Thank you for the idea. I have bumper plates from Perform Better. Do you think they will fit? I just have the standard clamp and do not know if a quick release clamp would fit. And would you kindly tell me the cost for two handles? Thank you.

    • Yeah, any bumpers and clamps/collars that you're using will fit these. They're $122 right now. See the link to the page on Fringe's site.

  • Money well spent. I've been using mine for over a year now. They don't swing around when turning 180 degrees. Great for tight, short runs in the garage or basement.

    Mine have no knurling on the handles, so I've wrapped them with some tacky trainer's tape. Cheapie spring clips are plenty secure if you're running out of room.

    • Nice to hear they're working for you! These don't seem to be super popular but for what they are as compact farmers handles they seem just about perfect. I think they chose to leave the handles smooth to work your grip strength more.

Published by
David Kiesling