Don’t miss our most popular new posts from this year! I understand you don’t have time to read everything we publish. Things drop off the front page before long, and you’ll miss some of our best stuff because of it. Lucky for you, I’ve picked out the highlights…
#1 – How Much Does a Smith Machine Bar Weigh?

A trick to determine how much that bar on the machine weighs, whether it’s in your home or at a commercial gym.
#2 – (VIDEO) FringeSport Mini Farmers Walk Handles Review
Benjamin tried out the mini farmers handles that store away easily and you can use for unilateral carries.
#3 – How to Deal with A Sloped Garage Gym Floor

Due to building codes, a garage has a slight slope towards the door. You get a floor that looks level until your barbell rolls out of your garage as soon as you turn your head.
#4 – Josh Bridges’ Top 5 Garage Gym Essentials

The 6-time Crossfit Games athlete gives his take on what equipment you should prioritize for your garage gym.
#5 – (VIDEO) Troy SupraBar Cable Curl Bar Review
Ryan gave this unique attachment a whirl on his cable machine in his home gym. It’s a special curl bar that lets you move without wrist pain and switch up your positioning mid-set.
Honorable Mention – 3 Big Rewrites
I should mention these too, just a couple of the many old goodies I rewrote this year to take into account the newest equipment and changes.
Power Rack Attachments and Compatibility – Master List

What do you do when the maker of your rack doesn’t offer a monolift or sandwich J-cups? No problem. Consult this list and find another brand that fits that they will never tell you about.
Some Shortie Power Racks for Low Ceilings and Basements

It’s not much fun to buy a new rack, assemble it halfway, start to tilt it upright, and have it bang into the ceiling strut.
Folding Wall-Mounted Squat Racks Comparison

The ultimate space savers for those of you who need a rack but can’t give up the garage space.