Categories: Working Out

The 9 Strength and Conditioning Coach Blogs You Should Follow in 2020

As you know, the internet is full of big-name fitness blogs associated with magazines and employing a hundred writers, and many more junk fitness blogs that try to imitate them.

I’d like to share with you some “medium sized” blogs run by experienced strength coaches and trainers who offer good advice and ideas on their blog on a regular basis.

These bloggers have no corporate filter and are more trustworthy, knowledgeable, and fun to read than the larger blogs.


Founded by boxing coach Ross Enamait, who designs strength and conditioning programs for powerlifters, football players, sprinters, and yes, boxers. He constantly researches new ideas and training methods with his athletes.

I admit I’m biased towards a boxing coach. I watch a lot of MMA and have learned an appreciation for the boxing skills displayed by elite fighters, not to mention their knockout power and stamina.

Tony Gentilcore

Tony is the co-founder of Cressey Sports Performance and is currently a trainer in Boston who works with clients and writes about strength training. If nothing else you can always take a minute to skim his weekly post, Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work.

Catalyst Athletics

Mostly focused on olympic weightlifting. The founder Greg Everett is the coach of a USA Weightlifting National Championship team. He contributes a large portion of the articles himself and has produced a documentary, written books, co-hosted podcasts… Just about everything you can imagine related to weightlifting.

Dr. John Rusin

An expert in John has worked with Olympic Gold/Silver/Bronze Medalists, MLB and NFL stars, and world-record powerlifters. He focuses on better ways to do exercises and train more effectively.

Eric Cressey

The founder of Cressey Sports Performance with locations in FL and MA, Eric is a former competitive powerlifter and author of several books and DVDs. He focuses on applied kinesiology and biomechanics for strength training and athletic performance.

Jim Wendler

The man behind the famous 5/3/1 strength training program that has been used by millions of people. He is an accomplished powerlifter who has trained high school and college athletes and given talks around the world on strength and conditioning and program design.

Dean Somerset

Dean is a Certified S&C Specialist, Certified Exercise Physiologist, and has worked with clients with many types of injuries, firefighters, and elite runners. He has taught seminars all around the world.

Lots of his material focuses on hip and shoulder mobility, something that you should look into. Virtually everyone but kickboxers have tight hips and lousy hip mobility.

Robertson Training Systems

Mike Robertson is the co-owner of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training, one of the top 10 gyms in the country according to Men’s Health. He coaches professional athletes including the Indy Eleven soccer team. He was also an accomplished powerlifter and was the assistant coach for the 2004 USA World Bench Press Team

His blog includes all kinds of stuff, and I like that he humbly highlights work by other experts that you can learn something from.

Diesel Strength and Conditioning

For the past 20 years, Jim Smith (“Smitty”) has been helping Olympic, pro, high school and collegiate athletes from various sports achieve their strength and performance goals.

Many more good trainers would be on this list, but they don’t keep an active blog personally or they hide the dates on their blog posts so that I have no idea if they’re even still alive.

What else do you want to see? Top podcasts? Best books?

David Kiesling

David founded Adamant Barbell in 2007 and Two Rep Cave in 2018. Depending on his mood, he's into weight training, running, bodyweight exercises, and hitting the heavy bag.

Published by
David Kiesling